Our sponsors offer a vital form of support which helps keep The Gaia Gathering accessible to our community. These contributions enable our vision of providing educational and experiential programming that cultivates opportunities for healing, connection, wisdom sharing, creative expression, ceremony and celebration.
Please read through our fundraising strategies and consider how your business or organization can support this beloved event. We accept Venmo, CashApp and Checks. Read on to learn more.
Dedicated Donation to our Equity Fund:
Support our commitment to making The Gaia Gathering an accessible and inclusive event. The Equity Fund is a perpetual fund established to meet the diverse needs within our community.
This year the Equity Fund will create subsidized ticketing for The Gaia Gathering. Future use of the fund will further our efforts to maintain equitable access to all of our events and to share resources with our wider community.
Any amount is welcome and the Equity Fund can be supported through both tax-deductible donation and event-sponsorship.
Tax-deductible Donations to the Woven Roots Collective:
The Woven Roots Collective is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization started by The Gaia Gathering organizing team. Woven Roots will continue to nurture The Gaia Gathering and eventually offer additional community focused events.
Any donation made to Woven Roots Collective, Inc. will be tax-deductible for you or your business. Contact us to learn more.
Sponsorship of The Gaia Gathering
Fiscal sponsorship is a great way to support our mission of nourishing community and providing educational experiences with herbalism, justice, healing, and sustainable life-ways.
These sponsorships provide funding for teacher and staff compensation, nourishing food, rentals fees, and equipment needed for our weekend event.
Purchasing sponsorship through our tiered levels allows you to promote your business or organization in tangible ways. Learn more about our tiered reciprocity 2023 Sponsorship Levels.
In-kind Donations:
We joyfully accept material donations to support our fundraising and community goals. These items are used in our raffle, kitchen, and to supply materials for our event.
Raffle: Common items include fine arts & crafts, herbal medicine and books, health products, seeds, potted plants, and gift-certificates to local events, restaurants, shops & healing arts services.
Food: Our goal of providing nourishing meals is supported by the generosity of local restaurants, producers and farms. We welcome catered meals for our staff, fresh produce, value added products, cultured veggies, loose leaf tea, desserts, beverages and more!
Materials: Direct material support such as printing services, storage solutions, tent rentals help offset our operating costs. Contact us for a detailed list of needs.
Purchase Promotional Space:
Promote your business, organization or event in our printed program that is distributed to 150 participants. Publish a recipe, event, announcement or message of your choice in this prominent format.
$50 for a half page ad (4.5"w x 3.25"h) / $75 for a full page ad (4.5"w x 7.5"h). Ads must be submitted in b&w or greyscale, PDF or 300dpi JPG format by 4/11/23 and can be sent to office.thegaiagathering@gmail.com Attn: Program Ad.
Promote The Gaia Gathering to your communities:
Let your customers, audience, & subscribers know about The Gaia Gathering!
Contact us for a “Proud Sponsor” graphic and share your support of our organizations on facebook @ thegaiagathering & Instagram @ gaiagatheringva.

Seedlings: $100
Your logo & link on our Sponsors webpage
Mentions in our monthly newsletters and social media (FB & IG)
Recognition during Gratitude Circles during the weekend event
Name listing in the printed conference program
Sweet Leaf: $300
Your logo & link on our Sponsors webpage
Mentions in our monthly newsletters and social media (FB & IG)
Recognition during Gratitude Circles during the weekend event
Name listing in the printed conference program
Option to provide postcards, flyers, samples, or other materials for the sponsor table
Listing with logo in the printed conference program
Optional vendors booth at the Gaia Marketplace
Sturdy Stems: $500
Your logo & link on our Sponsors webpage
Mentions in our monthly newsletters and social media (FB & IG)
Recognition during Gratitude Circles during the weekend event
Name listing in the printed conference program
Option to provide postcards, flyers, samples, or other materials for the sponsor table
Listing with logo in the printed conference program
Optional vendors booth at the Gaia Marketplace
Upgraded social media posting with full bio and content you provide
Half Page ad in the printed conference program
$100 off registration to 2023 Gaia Gathering to be used or gifted to a friend
Deep Roots: $1000 +
Your logo & link on our Sponsors webpage
Mentions in our monthly newsletters and social media (FB & IG)
Recognition during Gratitude Circles during the weekend event
Name listing in the printed conference program
Option to provide postcards, flyers, samples, or other materials for the sponsor table
Listing with logo in the printed conference program
Optional vendors booth at the Gaia Marketplace
Upgraded social media posting with full bio and content you provide
Full Page ad in the printed conference program
A full event ticket to the 2023 Gaia Gathering to be used or gifted to a friend
If you have questions or are interested in supporting, please contact us by email or by filling out the contact form below.
Thank you from the Woven Roots Collective & Gaia Gathering Team!